Need some quick cash to pay schools, pay medical bills or finance that deal? No worries. Bring your personal vehicle logbook and we will lend you up to 60% of the value of your car. Contact your nearest Bidii Credit branch today, call us on 0709 840 000 or fill in the form below and we will call you back.
To qualify, one must have the following terms met
- You must have operated a registered / licensed business for more than 2 years OR
- You must have been in employment for more than 2 years
- Must be able to show invoices or payslip and employment contract for last 6 months
- The vehicle must be in your name/guarantors name.
- The vehicle must be in a proper working condition
- You must have a clean credit history
- Latest Utility Bill e.g. Rent or Electricity
- Six months bank statement with a cheque book
- Motor Vehicle Valuation
- Motor Vehicle Logbook
- 2 Blank but signed Motor Vehicle Ownership Transfer Forms
- Execution of Chattels
- 2 Passport Photos of the applicant
- Documents to show proof of Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance
- Legal and Valuation Charges
simply fill in the form below and we will call you back